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A selection of trailers and clips for the NEW FEATURE   "9 LIVES of TYMON DOGG"
Interviews, special solos, vintage footage, his new band "The Quickening" & other surprises.      Widescreen - stereo
1 hr. 3 min. feature       PLUS      14 min. of bonus clips.

Can the new feature documentary
"9 Lives of Tymon Dogg" prove conclusively that Schrödinger's cat is really Tymon Dogg?
What creatures roam the
secret garden of scarlet?
What is reborn out of ashes that tickles the ivories?
 What are the benefits of empty pockets?
Are Tymon's strings frayed, or finely filleted?
This movie provides answers,
hints and more questions...

These are the materials available for any distribution needs:
    - a Hi Def NTSC Widecreen DV master
(on Hi Def DV tape)
 -  a Widescreen DVcam master
(on DVcam tape)  
-   a  DVD master with full authoring, interactive menus, bonus clips, suitable for duplication, made from the program elements of the widescreen  master.

-   Publicity photos in hi-resolution jpeg 


Crossing paths with this legendary fiddle player…once by chance, then on purpose 30 years later- vibrates a chord through time.

1980-Tymon Dogg was in NYC recording his song for the CLASH album “Sandinista!”. Flash forward to 2007 for a reunion of Tymon and filmmaker Merrill Aldighieri to chart his development and inventions from London stage to abandoned lots and burnt out barges, playing his evergrowing repetoire of human folly in music and words.

Tymon's musical invention, the 3 faced electric TETRAHARP , is demonstrated in concert and in the studio. A series of bonus clips accompanying the feature include guest appearance by
Mick Jones, Daniel Sumner,
John Cooper Clark.

This documentary was produced & directed, shot & edited by Merrill Aldighieri. Co- Production by Lucas Balbo , creative assistance and additional camera by Susan De Muth.

Materials for Distribution



Tymon Dogg & the QuikeningTymon Dogg & the Quikening-Acton Hall


Mick Jones & Billy Bragg

Quikening percussionist Alex T.


Tymon Dogg & his TETRAHARP


Interviews, special solos, vintage footage, his new band "The Quickening",
TYMON DOGG demonstrates his TETRAHARPand other surprises.     Widescreen - stereo -
1 hr. 3 min. feature  PLUS  14 min. of bonus clips.