THE NEXT PHASE WAS TO RETIRE from the non-stop performance and make a series of clips which I released through Sony Home Video as the DANSPAK SERIES. At this time, Kit Fitzgerald and John Sanborn offered me a job to run the video lounge in the new DANCETERIA. This was definitely a new phase in VJing for me. I had an assistant, Kirk Heflin, and together we concocted some interesting experiments.
The most rewarding events were when I found a way to incorporate live public interaction, including live mixing of feeds such as TV news. This infusion of reality offered dynamic discoveries. I invited the public to contribute commentary by image or open mike, it was the most fun I ever had in a night club.
first of these occasions was the
for the release
of "Tainted
Love" by Soft
Cell. I rented
a public domaine
vintage porno on
my way to work,
(*my one and only
time renting porno),
then surfed the
TV, finding to
our delight a 1960ies
tour of the White
House with Jackie
Kennedy. By some
miracle of fate,
as we switched
from one source
to another, we
intercut some very
wild action in
the "Lincoln
bedroom" and
Jackie's commentary
was hilariously
in light of
these impromtu
insert shots.
I'm still laughing about it.
lighting director, HURRAH
R.I.P. Carlos Rodriguez
Here are the first feature projects based on the Hurrah Video Archive:
I enjoy a good show, but it is also fun to play and interact, and this is what is missing for me in most "VJ" performances. The passive role relegated to the audience is not enough. I like the role of VJ as facilitator. |